30 Minutes No Obligation Chat
30 Minutes No Obligation Chat

It is a big step finding your Life Coach. Let’s take the stress away and get together to discuss your challenges and aspirations without being on the clock. You share your desires, frustrations and ambitions, whether personal, relationship or business … Continued

not rated $0.00 Add to cart
Eagles Melding
60 Minute Kick start – Six Sessions (first one free)

Six sessions over an agreed period-of-time – once a month or a frequency that suits your need Life is not in compartments. Our personal lives flow into our work lives and affect everything we think, feel and do. That got … Continued

not rated $2,800.00 Add to cart
Women seeks inspiration
60 Minute One Off – Single Session

Just need One Session? Sometimes you just need a sounding board. You are approaching a critical crossroads or you have something you need to confidentially share and get guidance for. If that is you this session is just the thing! … Continued

not rated $500.00 Add to cart