In my work, I play different music depending on the needs of my clients. Choosing which music to play to enhance the techniques is a critical part of delivering successful outcomes.
Here I will progressively share some of my favourite pieces. I hope you enjoy them too.

Thirty years ago when I was initially training with one of my mentors Wilf Proudfoot in England he introduced to some of the music he had trained to with Virginia Satir. One of Wilf’s preferred albums, and in fact the one I learnt Clinical Hypnotherapy to, is…

Coyote Oldman / Tear Of The Moon

This music is so beautiful and touching my soul that I felt like crying and laughing the same time. Thank you so much for let us join in your enchanted world.


Coyote Oldman: Under an Ancient Sky

As my development progressed I utilised Coyote Oldman’s music more and more. One inspirational Summer in the Rockies as I embraced Neuro-Linguistic Programming with another of my mentors Steve Andreas I discovered this album which I share during Reiki sessions and sometimes business workshops. Yes, it works for both!

For a thousand generations, desert shamans of the far West sought order in the stars and in the mysteries and wonder of their grand, if unforgiving landscape. When summoned, they doctored the stricken, be they stoic elders or frightened little children. They conjured rains. Taking leave of reality, they rode whirlwinds and soared in magical flight. They epitomized a native American ability to relate to the land in ways beyond a Western way of thinking. They’re gone now. But there remain telling accounts of how, day-to-day, they lived: how omens foretold a shaman’s destiny, how he learned his craft, how he could exercise his power for both good and evil. How a shaman could travel to the land of the dead and (hopefully) return. Drawing on the lore of a dozen tribes, Old Magic conjures the year-to-year life of a shaman – a life of service to his people, a life fraught with torment and danger, a life often taking a man or woman to the edge of madness.


Coyote Oldman / Time Travelers

Coyote Oldman always delivers a thoughtful, rich album. Their music is meant to heal, and to bring people together. I have found it great for massage, and for quieting my mind before sleep. Their music is gentle without being boring, though some of their stuff is better than others. Enjoy the journey, for they are worth it.


Coyote Oldman / In Beauty I walk

This is the ‘best of’ album. I discovered each album has its own unique identity and if you want to ‘dip your toes’ the best of provides a quick preview of the style for you to delve deeper into.