60 Minute One Off – Single Session



Just need One Session?

Sometimes you just need a sounding board. You are approaching a critical crossroads or you have something you need to confidentially share and get guidance for. If that is you this session is just the thing!

I have been mentoring folks for more than twenty years and drawing on my array of business and life experience. Our session will be focussed specifically on your unique situation and we may apply a range of techniques and approaches to help achieve your objectives.
My qualifications for helping include:

A 40-year business career with leading companies around the planet.

Awards in Customer Service, Customer Experience, Lifetime Achievement, Business Process Management and Enterprise Architecture. Best selling book author (eight books).

More than 25 years of therapeutic experience with certifications and accreditations as a Master Hypnotist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Master Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner, Reiki Master and latterly Coming to Wholeness Practitioner.

Integration of several approaches aligned to YOUR needs. What is your North Star? We will discover that and help you to accomplish all you desire.


My approach is sensitive and caring with hand-holding to help guide you on the way.

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